AdamTurman.com at Artistic Indulgence
Opening Reception: Friday, May 16, 7-10 p.m.
302 East Hennepin Ave., Mpls, MN 55414 (Across from Surdyks and next to Bibelot in NE, Mpls)
I'm going to have a ton of framed pieces and loose prints as usual. I'll have my old Gold Medal, and possibly my old Grain Belt prints available for this show! Who knows, if I can get some extra time I'll have another series of prints done for this as well...
hey adam,
congrats and good luck at the show on the 16th. quick question....will you lake harriet bandshell prints there?
shayla (livesavvy.com)
Hey Shayla!
Yes! the Trolley/Bandshell piece is definitely there.
Thanks - Adam
There is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.artistic
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